Ezoic Review: Why My Experience Wasn’t Good – Pros and Cons of Ad Integration

Hi everyone, has your organic traffic and website speed decreased after joining Ezoic? Are you planning to get rid of the Ezoic Ad Network? If this is the case, I am here to guide you on how to remove a website from Ezoic with complete case study.

Before demonstrating the process of deleting a website from Ezoic, I would like to share you some statistic and data about the impact on my site after joining Ezoic.

Let’s see all of them one by one in detail.

Transitioning from AdSense to Ezoic: My Journey and Experience

Two years ago, before joining the Ezoic Ad Network, I was using Google AdSense. At that time, my blog had a decent organic traffic of around 30,000 pageviews per month. Initially, with AdSense, I was able to earn around $100 every two months.

Due to AdSense’s higher threshold value as compared to Ezoic which offers options starting from $20, I decided to opt out of AdSense. And then my journey to Ezoic started.

I apologize for missing some vital points at the beginning about my journey to Ezoic. Not to worry, I’ll share them here, and then I’ll explore the site approval process.

Previously, when using AdSense, I didn’t encounter any issues with site speed and Core Web Vitals. However, my goal was to optimize my site’s speed more to enhance user experience. Therefore, I decided to apply for Ezoic primarily because of their caching tool known as Leap, which is designed to enhance site’s speed.

After signing up for Ezoic, I became busy with my blog’s content and other tasks, leaving it untouched for 2 to 3 weeks. Then, three to four weeks later, I received an email from the onboarding team inquiring about why I hadn’t initiated the process.

During my email conversation with the onboarding member, I came to know that other than Leap, Ezoic offers a monetization program through mediation. The best part was discovering that they offer flexible minimum threshold value, starting from $20, $50, $100 and goes on.

Knowing that I would have full control over selecting the pay-outs, I decided to give it a try immediately. I reached out to an expert via email to inquire about applying for all the features including monetization.

First Time’s the Charm: How I Earned Ezoic Approval Instantly

Now, the journey begins for my site’s approval. The first thing the onboarding member asked was to email the website’s URL and screenshots of the last 30 days of Google Analytics and Search Console for review.

They took two to three days to assess the quality of my site. Once the review was completed, they sent a congratulatory message informing me that my site had been approved by their team. After approval, they requested that I must add their nameserver to my domain, which is hosted on my GoDaddy account, and provide access to Google Search Console.

When they asked me to add their nameserver I was little perplexed because I thought, adding their nameserver may impact my organic traffic. However, after doing research I came to know that switching to Ezoic nameserver means that it will manage my website’s traffic and will apply its optimizing features because their main focus is to improve ad revenue and website’s performance.

Common Pitfalls: Challenges of Ezoic Integration via Nameservers

It’s very frustrating for publishers and new bloggers to integrate the Ezoic nameserver if they don’t have proper knowledge about what a nameserver is and its purpose. However, since I have a degree in Computer Science and Engineering, it was a piece of cake for me. So, I added it effortlessly and integrated my Google Search Console. Additionally, you can also integrate your Cloudflare account if your website is already using it.

After completing all the formalities, I encountered a few errors following the completion of the nameserver integration. Let’s discuss each of them one by one.

Post-Integration Hurdles: Navigating Errors After Completing Formalities

Origin Error:

This was the most common error I encountered when I switch to Ezoic. Now, let’s understand what the Origin error is and how you can fix it if you encounter it.

This error occurs when your site’s origin server is unable to communicate with the Ezoic platform. In order to fix this error, I have wasted huge amount of time communicating with Ezoic and my webhosting company, GreenGeeks.

After having the healthy discussion with Ezoic and host, I came to know through Ezoic team that my webhosting company has kept the Ezoic IP addresses into blacklist. Finally, I requested GreenGeeks to whitelist all the IPs. In addition to this, this error may also arise due to server misconfiguration and downtime.

To determine whether GreenGeeks is a good fit for your Ezoic or for any  business, you can read our honest GreenGeeks review.

Server Connectivity Issue (5XX):

This issue has drastically impacted my site’s organic traffic, resulting in 80% of my webpages being deindexed from Google search results. Earlier, I thought it’s a server issue and contacted my hosting provider, despite their efforts to resolve it, the issue persisted. Eventually, after seeking advice from the Ezoic community, I was advised to whitelist the IP addresses again and disable any security plugins if I was using.

To be honest Ezoic was unable to provide the correct solution for this error, so in order to avoid the server issue I changed my hosting provider from GreenGeeks to Hostinger cloud hosting. After changing to new hosting, this issue was finally solved. If you want to know more about Hostinger you can read our full Hostinger review.

Page Load Time Increase:

This was the primary reason for my transition from AdSense to Ezoic. Ezoic boasts about their products, particularly Leap, a tool they claim can improve site speed and Core Web Vitals. Unfortunately, I have not experienced any improvement. Neither has the site speed improved, nor have the Core Web Vitals. Below are the Core Web Vitals statistics of my site after integration with Ezoic.

desktop page speed

Ad Layout Issues:

Ads may not display properly or may overlap with other page elements, causing layout issues and impacting user experience.

Performance Degradation:

My website’s overall performance and speed got degraded due to the additional overhead introduced by Ezoic’s optimizations. They inject loads of JavaScript code in the header part of the website due to which overall performance of the site detoriates.

User Experience:

According to my opinion, few of the ads format such as Expanded Article Ads and Universal Floating Video Player may impact user experience. That is the reason I thought to disable each of them to make my site more user friendly. It may work for you however for me it was creating a havoc for my site. If your site user experience has been degraded due to those Ads you can easily turn of those ads by reading our article how to turn off Ezoic ads.

A/B Testing:

According to me, implementing and analysing the results of A/B tests to optimize ad placements, content layout, and site performance can be time-consuming but essential for long-term success. I have never tested it.

Mixed Content Errors:

Recently, I faced with another error known as mixed content error. This problem may arise due to the mixing of secure (HTTPS) and non-secure (HTTP) web pages. Anyhow as my website is made using WordPress, I fixed this issue using a plugin named Better Search Replace. When you see this issue, it is advisable to fix it ASAP because it can impact your SEO and organic traffic.

SSL conflict: 

Nowadays, most hosting providers, including Hostinger and GreenGeeks, provide free SSL to all website owners. So, when you are with Ezoic, pay close attention to this issue. It may happen that when you continue with the Ezoic network, you may face this problem. Therefore, my recommendation is that if you want to continue with Ezoic, then use their SSL. Using their SSL may solve the SSL conflict.

Support Ticket Resolution:

When I joined Ezoic 2 years ago, they used to provide solutions through tickets. Now, they have disabled this feature, and nowadays, only publishers in Level 2 or Level 3 can raise a ticket. I don’t know why they have stopped this feature for Level 1 publishers. Level 1 publishers have to rely on their community for support.

Ezoic Disappointment: Declining Pageviews and Departure Decision

These are the reasons that have compelled me to leave Ezoic because my experience with Ezoic was not up to the mark. After joining Ezoic, my site’s pageviews decreased. Before Ezoic approval, I had around 30,000 pageviews per month, but now it is far less. Below, you can view my Search Console and Google Analytics report data for the last three months. Additionally, other issues I frequently faced with Ezoic were 5XX, Origin errors, and server errors. Being with them has not profited me a lot that is the reason I have decided to leave Ezoic.

Google Analytic Comparison Report Before & After Joining EZOIC

Sep 7,2020-Feb 7 2021
Feb 8, 2021-Aug 8 2021
My site started earning from Ezoic from 8th February 2021.

Google Analytic comparison for Ezoic

GA4 comparison 2

GA4 comparison 3


Currently, I am not looking for Ezoic alternatives, I have even terminated their Ezoic premium subscription plan. For terminating their premium services, they charged me $100. So, beware of their Ezoic Premium Contract Termination Fee and don’t fall into it,

Right know, I want to continue with Google AdSense because it is the mother of all Ad Networks companies, until I regain the organic traffic that I used to get 2 years ago.

Lastly, I would like to share that this is my personal view and journey that I have shared with you while continuing with Ezoic since February 2021. Its up to you decide which network to choose.

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